When pain arises from a tooth, the tooth may have become infected and require root canal treatment.

Tests such as vitality tests, percussion tests and digital X-rays are carried out first to see if a tooth needs root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment is usually carried out over 2 visits. During the first visit with our dentist or endodontist, we remove the infected tooth tissue and stop the toothache and during the second visit, we ensure that the root canals are well-cleaned and sealed.

When we carry out root canal treatment, we first numb the tooth fully to ensure that the treatment is carried out comfortably and you are at ease. The tooth is then isolated with a rubber dam to ensure that the field is kept as sterile as possible and new bacteria contamination of the tooth by saliva is avoided. The canals are shaped efficiently and we only use our root canal files once, in order to minimize fracture and reduce the risk of cross-infection.

We use high-tech apex locators to accurately establish the length of canals and reduce the radiographic dose to patients. We thoroughly clean the canals with powerful disinfectants to destroy the bacteria colonies within the tooth.

Finally, the root canals are filled with a gutta-percha root canal filling material to prevent re-infection of the tooth. The tooth is usually filled with composite core material and patients will be advised to have a dental crown soon after root canal treatment to prevent tooth fracture or root canal leakage. You may experience some post-operative pain which usually settles down with painkillers. Root canal success rate ranges from 70-90% over 5 years. Root canal-treated teeth can discolour; however, once they are crowned this tooth discolouration will be hidden.

Some post-operative pain may be experienced, which usually settles down with painkillers. Root canal success rate ranges from 70-90% over 5 years. Root canal-treated teeth can discolour; however, once they are crowned this tooth discolouration will be hidden.

If you are in severe pain and you think you might need a root canal, we would advise you to book a consultation or emergency appointment with our Endodontist Dr. Ali.  

To book your consultation, please call 020 8299 1434 and a member of our friendly receptionists will be happy to help you.

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